24 November 2020
Ashorne Hill, the award-winning meeting and training venue located in the Midlands, close to Leamington Spa has launched its first digital graduate development programme. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ashorne Hill’s expert learning and development team have pivoted their business model to respond to the requests of blue chip clients who continue to have graduate development needs, despite the pandemic.
The graduate training solution focuses on 10 key themes that are designed to help graduates and higher apprentices kick start their careers with the right tools and competencies to maximise their potential and productivity at their new organisation. The themes can be taken as a complete graduate package or, as modules that can be tailored to a company’s own specific business needs.
Completely digital, the training content focuses on skills, behaviours, confidence building and communication skills that are all vital to taking emerging talent and growing them into the leaders of tomorrow.
Sharon Stilgoe, Client Solutions Director at Ashorne Hill says; “We are well known in learning and development for creating blended and bespoke training programmes for businesses that nurture future leaders. At the request of many of our clients and, of course, due to current circumstances, it was a natural jump for us to move our graduate training programme online to adapt to the current changing needs of businesses. The real benefit of these programmes is in their flexibility. They are ready to be taken off the shelf or can be totally customised to what a business really wants to achieve.
Sharon continues; “We draw from a proven legacy of providing blended early career, leadership and management solutions, all designed to meet the needs of your graduates wherever they are in their career. Our solutions combine coaching, work-based projects, business simulations, the use of psychometric tools, action learning sets, peer feedback and structured personal reflection”.
Click here to find out more about the graduate training programme or email sharon.stilgoe@ashornehill.co.uk to explore bespoke solutions for your organisation.