16 June 2020
With the resurrection of the hospitality industry now being the focus of the UK Government, many hotels and conference centres are preparing to open in July. At Ashorne Hill we are taking steps to reopen our doors to our staff and customers, new and old. We have set the date as 1st September when all our new measures will be in place and our staff will be trained and primed ready to welcome you back through our doors. We remain committed to ensuring a safe working environment. So, when the conditions are right, we hope that we will soon be helping you create growth through your own people once again. We have a clear view of what our facilities can do in terms of 2m or 1m social distancing so please do contact us and we will be happy to work with you to best accommodate your event to make the experience both rewarding and memorable. In the meantime, we are also available to talk about how we can help you deliver leadership and management learning solutions in your business. Call us on 01926 488000 or email enquiries@ashornehill.co.uk. We look forward to helping you create growth soon.
Renata Homer
General Manager
Ashorne Hill, Leamington Spa, CV33 9QW
Tel: 01926 488021 | Mob: 07741 641924
Email: renata.homer@ashornehill.co.uk | Website: www.ashornehill.co.uk