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Meeting of Minds

A free networking and thought leadership event for learning and development professionals
Chevron Down - Ashorne Hill

The Perfect Event For Champions Of Learning

Meeting of Minds provides a safe space for champions of learning to come together to share current organisational strategies and challenges, discuss different approaches, share current and future learning trends and be part of the evolving conversation.


A quarterly event hosted both online and in person, this event is created to bring together like-minded Learning and development professionals, giving them the opportunity to share challenges and ideas with other Learning & Development champions and be part of the evolving conversation.


Sign up to keep updated and Join our LinkedIn group to be part of the evolving conversation.

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Register your interest today…

Highlights from our last event…

Our last event was a huge success as we were joined by industry professionals across various sectors to discuss The True Value of the Human Experience.

Our Keynote speaker Steve Hicks (Senior L&D Manager) inspired the crowd as he challenged them to think about the challenges learning and development professionals face in the rapidly changing world of work, and how we can adapt our learning practices to engage the HUMAN in our human resources.

Steve covered:

• Why face to face interaction is more important than ever in the world of L&D
• Rapidly changing world of work; driven by pandemic
• Explosion of digital learning solutions
• In our space (Human Skills) the interaction is so important
• Human Skills are the essential ingredient for managers and leaders to be successful in the future world of work

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Meeting of Minds? 

Meeting of Minds is an exclusive networking and thought leadership event for champions of learning.  


When and where will Meeting of Minds take place? 



What is the theme of the event? 

This next quarter’s theme is: TBC


How much will the event cost? 

The event is completely FREE. However, charges will apply if you wish to stay overnight or book a meeting room following the event. 


Who will be there? 

This event is for champions of learning. You will be joined by L&D peers, for example Heads of learning, L&D managers, training managers and other L&D and HR colleagues. 


Who is the keynote speaker? 



What should I expect? 

You will have the opportunity to network with L&D peers, participate in round-table discussions, listen to keynote speeches, and immerse yourself in Warwickshire’s natural environment.  


What facilities are available? 

Free parking is available in the visitor’s car park. Electric car charging stations are also available. 


Is the venue accessible? 

The event will take place on the ground floor of Ashorne Hill, however if any special arrangements are required, please contact


Will food and drinks be provided? 

Yes. You will have the option of a complimentary brunch, tea and coffee, and complimentary  lunch is served at the end of the event.


Can I bring a colleague? 

Yes, however please let us know in advance so that we can cater accordingly. 

 We hope that we have answered all your questions, however if you would like any further assistance, please contact: