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The Power of Love in Learning and Development

Love may seem like an unusual concept in learning and development, but perhaps it shouldn’t be. Love promotes growth and change which many employees seek in their workplace, as studies show that 60% of employees have left their place of work due to a lack of growth and development. So, how does the idea of love fit within learning and development strategies?

Defining Love

Love provides people with an emotional connection that helps us grow and change. As humans, we work best in a loving environment with Helena Clayton finding 94.4% of senior leader respondents agreeing that love at work is ‘very important or important’ to face challenges at a deeper level.[1] Clayton develops this idea further by suggesting that ‘love is something in our direct control’, signifying that people have the autonomy to create a loving environment within the workplace and in their approach to learning and development.

Love For Learning

In workplace learning and development, love is not a romantic concept. If we have a love for learning, it allows us to deepen our understanding of self and others. Learning is how we evolve; we constantly develop new experiences and skills that we can use throughout our lifetime. Organisations are keen to find people who are equipped with critical human skills who love to learn and are more curious, resilient, motivated, and prepared for change. Having an element of love for learning enables individuals to go deeper within themselves and uncover new skills. Not only does a love for learning benefit the individual, but also benefits businesses long-term.

Resistance To Love

There will always be a level of resistance to the concept of love in the workplace as it is a vulnerable emotion. Clayton found that 30.3% of people felt uncomfortable talking about love at work, with some suggesting it made them feel weak, judged, and misunderstood. These findings highlight how individuals prefer to keep a guard up due to a fear of being vulnerable. Applying a love for learning may be challenging but it will push boundaries for people to grow and develop.

Love For Learning In The Workplace 

According to Gettysburg College, we spend 90,000 hours of our lifetime at work, so it is important we find ways to love learning at work as well as in our personal lives. Incorporating an aspect of love for the learning process can help organisations and their employees feel motivated and driven. Love for learning starts through supporting one another to slowly build a level of trust that will encourage engagement, adaptability, and sustainable growth. If we do not develop a love for learning, then businesses may not see growth and improvement.

Love At Ashorne Hill

At Ashorne Hill, we thread an element of love and nurture through all our learning and development experiences. Ashorne Hill’s aim is to put clients first with blended learning experiences situated in a safe space to help people in organisations successfully grow and cultivate a love for learning. With highly interactive and tailored learning experiences, individuals will grow and develop a love for learning in a nurturing environment that continues throughout their career.

To find out how a love for learning can improve your Learning and Development programmes, please click here 

[1] Clayton, Helena. “Leading from Love.” Helena Clayton,