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Meet Jonathan, our experienced Learning and Development Manager here at Ashorne Hill.

Specialising in designing and delivering interactive, engaging and impactful development programmes, creating learning environments where learners can feel empowered, challenged, and share thoughts and experience.  


Jonathan Washington

Learning and Development Manager at Ashorne Hill

Jonathan has extensive experience in publishing, teaching, and learning and development all over the world, and has been published in several magazines and journals. Jonathan has a passion for the learning process, particularly experiential and peer learning whilst honing core skills in facilitating engaging classrooms and synergising key expertise in the room.

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If I ever had the opportunity to send another team leader or first line management position on this course, I would grab it with both hands.
Anonymous, IT Services Line Manager, Tarmac

Jonathan is an experienced leadership and management coach and facilitator, dedicated to the engagement and contribution of employees at all levels.  He co-authored “The Employee Engagement Mindset” (McGraw-Hill) in 2012 and was awarded the Oxfordshire Football Association Coach-of-the-Year Award in 2018 for his 20 years dedication to embedding the FA values while coaching within the grass-roots game.

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Jonathan’s Accreditations 

PGCE History

MSc Publishing – Edinburgh Napier University

MA (Hons) History – University of St. Andrews

Designated Safeguarding Lead