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How Management Skills Build Better Bosses

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” — John F. Kennedy

Managers are the glue that keep workforces on track for continuous success. With the world of work constantly changing, it is important for managers to continuously develop strong management skills. According to Gallup, managers are responsible for at least 70% of the variance in employee engagement which highlights the integral role managers play in employee and business performance.[1] Now, more than ever, managers are helping build better teams, but how do we help build better bosses? In this article, we will explore the importance of skilled managers as well as unpacking 5 specific management skills that empower managers in the workplace.

Management Skills: What’s the Fuss?

In the ever-changing world of work, it is imperative that managers are developing their critical human skills to give themselves and their teams the best chance of success. Companies who spend more than 50% of their training budget on management development often outperform their goals by as much as 15%, as well as 83% of businesses saying it is important to develop leaders at all levels.[2]

Even though these statistics are highly promising for management development, it is reported by Apollo Technical that less than 5% of companies have implemented leadership development in their management teams.[3] Without management development, leaders may struggle to overcome challenges and achieve organisational goals.

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Why Do Organisations Need Skilled Managers?

Skilled managers are essential to help organisations achieve goals and objectives whilst maintaining the growth and success of their employees. Not only do skilled managers contribute to a thriving and successful workforce, but they also build a sustainable workplace culture to keep employees motivated and proactive.

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5 Essential Management Skills

So, what skills make a good manager? Here, we have selected 5 key management skills that contribute to a successful management team and build better bosses:


Management communication skills are an integral part of an organisation’s success. Managers who possess and practice effective communication are more likely to have a workforce that are engaged and productive. Clear communication enables managers to navigate their teams to work collaboratively as well as enhancing employee engagement.

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In a managerial role, having a logical and organised approach is crucial in supporting employees and tackling multiple tasks all at once. By having effective organisational skills, managers are able to efficiently handle teams and stay on top of their workload and avoid feelings of overwhelm. Managers who use organisational tools such as digital project planners and calendars can complete tasks effectively and in line with their company goals and objectives.

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Having the ability to recognise problems and think creatively to solve them is an important skill to build better bosses. Managers who can identify a problem, analyse the situation, and find a suitable solution generates a more efficient and productive workplace, according to Deeksha Sharma.[4] Skilled managers with clear thinking and educated decision making promotes a workforce that stays motivated and driven.

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Emotional Intelligence

For managers, developing emotional intelligence is extremely beneficial for communication and collaboration. Skilled managers with emotional intelligence are crucial assets in a team as they are self-aware, rational, and empathetic. The ability to adapt and connect with employees allows managers to build respect within their teams which leads to a more engaged and motivated workforce.

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Strategic Thinking

Managers have a responsibility to stay one step ahead to ensure their company is constantly evolving. Planning with a long-term vision keeps the organisation and workforce on the same page which enables a collaborative working environment. By setting goals, reviewing policies, and closely monitoring team progression, managers with strategic thinking will inspire and motivate their employees.

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How to Develop Your Managers at Ashorne Hill

Investing in learning and development initiatives will allow your managers to discover deeper management skills and unlock their full human potential.

Ashorne Hill’s leadership and management development programmes help managers to develop the necessary management skills to successfully lead teams in our ever-changing world. With collaborative and immersive learning experiences, Ashorne Hill can support your managers through challenges and change to ultimately build better bosses.

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Article written by Ashorne Hill’s Victoria Sparkes


[1] DeSimone, John Pitonyak and Rob. “How to Engage Frontline Managers.” Gallup.Com, Gallup, 19 Jan. 2024,’s%20most%20profound%20finding%20%2D%2D,to%20engaging%20an%20organization’s%20employees.

[2] “25 Surprising Leadership Statistics to Take Note of (2024).” Apollo Technical LLC, 4 Jan. 2024,

[3] “25 Surprising Leadership Statistics to Take Note of (2024).” Apollo Technical LLC, 4 Jan. 2024,

[4] Sharma, Deeksha. “Problem Solving 101 for Managers: 5 Essential Skills and Tips.” Risely, 11 Mar. 2024,,and%20implementing%20the%20best%20one.